Indigo Shire Council Event Grants - 2024 2025

This is a preview of the Indigo Shire Event Grants 2024 - 2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Guidelines and Criteria for Funding

The objective of the Event Grants is to provide financial assistance to event organisers to ensure all residents and visitors have access to a range of recreational, social and cultural activities and events. Events held in Indigo Shire will be a celebration of place and foster town vibrancy. Events will be inclusive, accessible and be open to local community members and visitors alike. 

A community event encourages local participation, celebrates the communities of Indigo and focuses on social inclusion and community wellbeing. It is usually small scale. Economic and tourism outcomes are not the main objectives of these events. They predominantly attract residents of Indigo Shire Council or specific interest groups.

A total of $60,000 is available for Events and successful grants will range from $1000 to $10,000.

This grant aims to:

  • To ensure fair and transparent access to Council funding for groups meeting the grant eligibility criteria.
  • To ensure grant funding is used to support Council Plan objectives, with a particular emphasis on disadvantaged and specific need groups and organisations.
  • To ensure all grant applications are considered in a consistent and objective manner.
  • To provide access to funding for groups who may be unable to secure funding through alternative grants streams.

Indigo Shire Council is committed to working in partnership with local clubs, community groups, committees and service providers to deliver place-based projects that consider:

  • Access and inclusion;
  • Child safety;
  • Gender equity;
  • Cultural awareness

This practice ensures the broad engagement, participation, enjoyment and safety of community members in the program.

The eligibility criteria for Indigo Shire’s Event Grants Program are:

  • The event is to take place within Indigo Shire.
  • One application per organisation.
  • Preference will be given to applications for events where funding is not available from other sources (ie. State or Federal funding).
  • The group or organisation must be open to or accessible by Indigo Shire residents.
  • The event must take place in the 2024 - 25 financial year.
  • All applicant organisations must either be incorporated, a registered business, be auspiced by another group or become incorporated as a condition of funding.
  • Groups must demonstrate a significant contribution in the form of cash, voluntary service or in-kind support.
  • The applicant must have appropriate public liability insurance.
  • Applications will not be considered within the following categories:
    • Groups already in receipt of significant support from Council.
    • Programs considered the major responsibility of State or Federal Government.
    • Events supporting causes not aligning with Council values
  • All funded projects must obtain relevant permits and approvals prior to project commencement.
  • Event must be held in the same financial year as the grant round.
  • Applications received from organisations with outstanding acquittals from previous grant rounds will not be considered.

The assessment of all Event Grant Applications is the responsibility of the Indigo Shire Event Grants Assessment Panel. This panel may include Council Officers, Councillors, a Sports North East representative, local health service representatives and a Murray Arts representative.

The panel will use the following list of criteria to assess applications to Indigo Shire’s 2023-2024 Event Grants Program.

  • Alignment with Council Plan Themes of Community, Liveability, Prosperity and Environment. (score 0-3 per theme)
  • The capacity to deliver the event by the applicant (score 0-3)
  • Completion of a comprehensive and considered budget (score 0-3)

The Panel will make a recommendation to Council on the distribution of the grant fund. Council makes the ultimate determination via the report prepared by Council officers. The panel will adhere to Conflict of Interest reporting requirements.